Sunday, February 28, 2010

Think before you write

The information that can be found on the internet is a scary thing. It seems like everything is searchable. Personally, I think I always knew that this was a possibility, but there are plenty of times that I will make a comment on Facebook or on another site and not really think much past that.

It is almost like you want a confirmation window to show up when you are done making a comment. A window that would say...this information that you are about to post is going to enter the world wide web and will be easily found again in the future. Then you would need to check the box and continue...almost like a reality check...a little bit of a please think before you write.

The fact that it is more expensive to erase information, only enhances the problem. I think this is a very important aspect to consider. You don't want in the future when you are looking for a job or trying to get a promotion, for you to get restrained because some information surfaced about a racy comment that you made on a blog. I know, I don't and I cannot imagine the embarrassing factor that will also come along this. I definitely think it is time that we all apply a little bit of please think before you write.

Anyone else in favor of a reality check confirmation window?

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